Friday, September 24, 2010

menu planning

I realized about a year ago that planning a menu every week before grocery shopping was a good idea; it certainly helps my focus at the supermarket, and it's always good to have a plan, anyway. But the downside  is that it takes so much time.  If I really want to plan a balanced week of dinners, it requires looking through recipes and cookbooks for ideas - and trying to think of everything - don't want casseroles every day - oh, we've been eating too much chicken lately, I'm sick of it - oh, no, the hot weather is returning and I want to avoid using the oven if possible, and it often feels like I'm spending all day with the grocery list.

So, there are some weeks when I just abandon the idea - if I'm not feeling too great, or if I just need the time for other things around the house.  But I always go back to it. I just like having a plan!

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